October 13th, 2005

Advice From Chocolate

Just because my brain works like this, when the piece of Dove dark chocolate tried to get me fired last month, I was struck with curiosity about the other phrases they might have and how frequently they might be used in a bag.

So, of course, I kept track of the next bag.

The following list is from a bag of Dove Dark Chocolate Promises. When you take the red wrapper off a piece of chocolate, there is a phrase printed inside. This is a list of the phrases used in the bag in question, in the order the pieces were eaten.

  1. Whisper in the dark
  2. Test your own limits and keep going
  3. Make your eyes twinkle
  4. Remember your first everything
  5. Send a love letter this week
  6. Be mischievous. It feels good.
  7. Make your eyes twinkle
  8. Go to your special place
  9. Do what feels right
  10. If they can do it, you know you can
  11. Be mischievous. It feels good.
  12. You know what? You look good in red.
  13. Find your passion.
  14. Smile. People will wonder what you’ve been up to.
  15. Do what feels right
  16. Smile. People will wonder what you’ve been up to.
  17. Discover yourself
  18. Naughty can be nice
  19. There’s no excuse not to dream
  20. Go to your special place
  21. Discover yourself
  22. Smile. People will wonder what you’ve been up to.
  23. If they can do it, you know you can
  24. If they can do it, you know you can
  25. Do what feels right
  26. Make your eyes twinkle
  27. There’s no excuse not to dream
  28. Go to your special place
  29. If they can do it, you know you can
  30. Naughty can be nice
  31. Smile. People will wonder what you’ve been up to.
  32. Learn something from everyone you meet
  33. Write a real letter, not just an email
  34. Be mischievous. It feels good.
  35. Do what feels right
  36. If they can do it, you know you can
  37. Dare to love completely
  38. Hey, why not?
  39. Go to your special place
  40. Remember your first everything
  41. Wink at someone driving past today

So now let’s break it down a bit.

  • 3x -“Be mischievous. It feels good.” Until, of course, you get called out for acting like an idiot at work. “Johnson, why did you dissolve a neon pink highlighter in the coffee this morning?” “I was being mischievous!” “Johnson, not only am I going to fire you, I’m going to hit you with this brick.”
  • 1x -“Dare to love completely” I’ve tried this tactic with my cat Nutmeg and all it ever does is get me bitten. Word to the wise.
  • 2x – “Discover yourself” And when you do, be sure to plant a flag on yourself.
  • 4x – “Do what feels right” Unless, of course, what feels right is to carve your initials on people you meet with your pocket knife. Don’t do that.
  • 1x -“Find your passion.” It’s usually in the last place you look.
  • 4x -“Go to your special place” Best Buy is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. most weekdays.
  • 1x -“Hey, why not?” Or, conversely, why?
  • 5x -“If they can do it, you know you can” This one is obviously their main message, as it was used in this bag more than any other phrase. Problem is, it’s baloney (or, if you prefer, “bologna”). Lance Armstrong can win the Tour de France seven times and date Sheryl Crow. Think you can do that? That’s what I thought. Thanks, Dove chocolate. Thanks for giving me unrealistic dreams and hopes. Jerk.
  • 1x – “Learn something from everyone you meet” This one’s actually not a bad idea. it’s particularly good if you are in the habit of meeting ninja masters and stockbrokers.
  • 3x – “Make your eyes twinkle” I suggest gilding them.
  • 2x – “Naughty can be nice” Tell that to Santa, then enjoy your lump of coal.
  • 2x – “Remember your first everything” Like that time you followed the advice given to you by a bag of chocolate and got fired, arrested, and giftless.
  • 1x – “Send a love letter this week” “Dear Nutmeg, please stop biting me.”
  • 4x – “Smile. People will wonder what you’ve been up to.” Is anyone else as sick of this saying as I am?
  • 1x – “Test your own limits and keep going” Earlier this evening the episode of Seinfeld aired where Kramer and the car salesman take a test drive and see how far they can go. It’s nice when chocolate and Seinfeld agree on something.
  • 2x – “There’s no excuse not to dream” Unless, of course, you’re on some sort of medication.
  • 1x – “Whisper in the dark” Creeeeeeepy.
  • 1x – “Wink at someone driving past today” Because they’re sure to see you do it at 65 m.p.h
  • 1x – “Write a real letter, not just an email” This one’s also not a bad idea. One well-placed EMP blast and all your email is gone. A hand-written letter will totally survive an EMP blast, though not the fires that might follow.
  • 1x – “You know what? You look good in red.” You know what? Chocolate doesn’t know anything about what makes people look good. If chocolate were to say “I will make you fat” or “I will bring you temporary happiness,” then maybe I’ll believe it. I’m pretty sure this is meant as an inside joke referring to the fact that the chocolate itself is wrapped in red, but I don’t need chocolate taking up my valuable time doing self-affirmations. Increase your self-esteem on your own time, chocolate! Regardless, I’ll probably wear my red shirt tomorrow, just in case.

In case you worry about me keeping track of a bag of chocolate, let me assure you: you have every right to worry. There isn’t a bag of M&M’s or Skittles I open that I don’t want to separate into piles by color, and my cereal boxes are generally organized by height. If there’s a minor I can major on, I’ll do it.


EDIT: There is now a sequel to this post.

September 29th, 2005

Dove Chocolate Is Trying To Get Me Fired

You know how they have little sayings/quips/advice on the inside of the wrappers around the Dove Promises chocolate? I had one today that said “Flirting is mandatory.”

No one needs that kind of trouble.