March 23rd, 2010

Revolution 1

Song Info (from Beatlesongs):”Revolution 1″ (more commonly known just as “Revolution” was 100% written by John while The Beatles were in India in early 1968.  It was released as the B side to the “Hey Jude” single on August 26, 1968, and got as high as #12 during its eleven-week stay in the Top 40.  Paul didn’t like the song.  “In the lyrics, Lennon comes out against violence on the single version but is equivocal on the White Album‘s slower version, following ‘count me out’ with ‘in’.”

UPDATE: Mandy is our mug winner!  I picked the winner old-school style: printed out the names and had Megan choose one at random.  Mandy – get me your address!

The date on the last redesign of my website was February 23, 2005.  Five years ago?  Really?  Seems unlikely.  I was really, really into green and gray at the time.  Actually, I kind of still am.  In fact, one room in my house is painted in a similar green as was in that design.

Anyway, if you’re reading this, that means the newest design is live.  As before, I had a lot of help from Brian, who was once again very good about dealing with all of my “What about this?” and “Hold on, I changed my mind about that” nonsense.

The main reason for the redesign is that Blogger no longer supports FTP publishing.  My choices were to stick with Blogger but use one of their URLs or switch my blogging software, which is what I ended up doing.  While switching all that, I’m also changing my hosting situation to Dreamhost via the aforementioned Brian.  Lots of changes!

I’m very pleased with the new logo, and I have Rock Band to thank for it.  A screenshot of my character in the game got edited down into the glasses-and-goatee you now see, and it’s almost exactly what I had envisioned at the outset, even though I had no idea how to produce it.

Most everything transferred over pretty well from Blogger, and there’s a pretty good chance that most of the links to stuff still work, even.  And, since the archives are actually working now and seem to be a little bit better organized, now’s a perfect time to catch up on all the stuff you’ve missed in the now-7 years I’ve been writing.  Yikes. That’s crazy to me, too.

Don’t neglect to scroll all the way to the bottom – all the links that used to be on the sides are down there now, and I’d hate for you to miss the store or something.  And make sure you update your feed readers – the RSS feed has changed.

To celebrate the new design, let’s have a little giveaway.  Leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite topic here on the blog and I’ll pick a random commenter to receive a mug or T-shirt with the new logo on it.  Let’s make the deadline 6p Eastern this Friday.  Multiple comments won’t increase your chances, so don’t try anything funny.

Now here’s hoping (once again) that a redesign sparks more writing.

12 Comments on “Revolution 1”

  1. Brian Arnold says:

    WOO WOO!

  2. daniel says:

    I don’t have a favorite topic, but I’ve been partial to Beatles Week. Even stole the idea for my own blog.

  3. Mike says:

    Bout time! :)

    Long way to scroll down for those links though, wouldn’t know they were there if not for this post!

    PS favorite post … Twinkie cake? Think that was here and not mupspace. But if I’m wrong, who cares, Twinkie cakes are delicious

  4. Dave says:

    My first visit to your blog. Not the last though. I like the “new” look. Not sure if it counts as a topic, but Beatle’s Week gets my vote as favorite.

  5. Jeremiah Redden says:

    I love any post about Nutmeg! Love the new look and design! Maybe for future blog entries you can blog about your adventures of planning a wedding from the guys point of view! ;O)

  6. Emily says:

    I too am a fan of Beatles “Week,” although I’m not sure that qualifies as a topic.

  7. Mandy says:

    I like the new site! I love that the green sides fade to black as you near the end. But I will echo what Mike said about the links at the bottom. It sure does keep the top clean though.
    I personally like any blog you write on trying new things that seems like you should have tried them long ago. I think they’re hilarious!

  8. John says:

    Markus Mark. This is my comment. I hope to win a coffee mug.

    My favorite post (or we can just pretend its a topic) was your Lord of the Rings marathon live blog. I remember I checked that several times that day and it made me wish I was there!

  9. Eric says:

    “It’s not that easy being green . . .”, but you have pulled it off. Nice new look. Well, enough with the pleasantries, I’m here for the free stuff. Favorite post/s is RESPECT and anything that references me.

  10. Scott says:

    I’d say the idea of Beatles Week is pretty neat. I’m thinking of using it on my blog but I’m trying to think of a different band or theme, as I don’t know as much about the Beatles as I feel I should.

  11. Kass says:

    A rabbi, a priest, and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them and says, “What is this, a joke?”

    Do I get a deduction for trying something funny? :P

    Congrats on the new redesign!

  12. Kass says:

    Erm, ditto Emily btw.

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