February 9th, 2008

Star Wars Marathon – Liveblog

9:02 – So, in the final tally, four of us were here for all six movies, and two more were here for five of them, and there were nine different viewers over the course of the day. It was a lot of fun, and I can totally see doing a Lord of the Rings marathon at some point in the future…

Thanks for following along and joining in the fun vicariously!

8:55 – Emperor’s death = Galactic Party Time!

8:51 – Death Star II, R.I.P.

8:50 – Anakin Skywalker, R.I.P.

8:42 – Vader’s hand, R.I.P.

8:41 – I know it’s gotta be tough to be a Jedi, especially when you haven’t been one for long, but Luke really makes a lot of mistakes in the last battle with Vader – revealing the existence of his sister being a bit more major than most.

8:36 – “I know” – Leia, in a great reversal of roles from Empire.

8:30 – The Death Star is fully operational!

8:27 – I’m more easily convinced in the reality of lightsabers than with stick- and stone-wielding teddy bears beating Imperial troops.

8:16 – “Yub nub.” – Random Ewok

8:08 – “Leia, you need to stop kissing me, what with you being my sister and all.” -Luke

7:50 – The Ewoks have showed up. Bleah.

7:36 – Luke just figured out that Leia is is his sister. Nice work, Luke!

7:25 – Rancor is dead, Jabba is dead, and Boba Fett is Sarlacc Chow ™.

7:02 – Eric & Lance are making pancakes. Also, the Twi’lek dancer was just eaten by the Rancor.

6:59 – The return of Daniel.

6:51 – Also, sound has been restored to the left rear speaker! There was a loose wire. Woot!

6:48 – Start of Episode VI. I am happy to announce every episode started exactly when it was scheduled to do so.

6:37 – End of Episode V.

6:26 – “No, I am your father.” – Darth Vader

6:25 – Luke’s hand: R.I.P.

6:11 – “I know.” – Han Solo

6:09 – Exit Daniel (running errands for his mom, he says).

6:00 – “No, there is another.” – Yoda

5:53 – Exit Marshall.

5:46 – “And that is why you fail.” – Yoda

5:10 – Lee was awakened from dozing.

4:47 – Marshall has discovered that the left rear speaker is not producing any sound… Disconcerting.

4:40 – The arrival of Marshall!

4:39 – Luke just got hisself Wampa’d.

4:35 – The Empire Strikes Back: the best of the best!

4:25 – The Death Star has been successfully dealt with!

4:15 – Porkins: R.I.P.

4:02 – Obi Wan: R.I.P.

3:52 – C3-PO is the whiniest droid ever.

3:18 – Grrrrrrrrr. Greedo shot first. I got majorly ripped off here.

3:16 – The return of Eric!

3:05 – Another watcher has appeared.

2:53 – It would appear that these are NOT the original un-fiddled-with versions. GRRRRR.

2:28 – Now to the good stuff: Episode IV! Halfway there!

2:21 – Exit Jonell.

2:17 – End of Episode III.

2:12 – Jonell stopped by to pick up an extra Guitar Hero controller and also brought ice cream and root beer for floats!

2:11 – Darth Vader’s got a brand new suit. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

2:09 – Luke & Leia were just born.

1:51 – Update: Anakin’s bad, most Jedi are dead, and Yoda’s about to throw down with Darth Sidious.

1:18 – Mace Windu: R.I.P. :(

1:07 – In a surprising turn of events, a Sith Lord is revealed.

12:48 – Exit Eric. He had a prior engagement, but shall return.

12:29 – Hey, Padme’s pregnant!

12:26 – Daniel has arrived.

12:03 p.m. – Episode III begins!

11:36 – Pizza arrives! Lunch break!

11:35 – Episode II ends.

11:29 – Yoda vs. Dooku. FIGHT!

11:22 – Clone Troops versus Droid Army – EPIC!

10:41 – Anakin just killed a bunch Sand People. Tsk.

10:17 – The “romance” sections of this movie are some of the worst scenes ever committed to film, digital or otherwise.

9:33 – Yeesh… Hayden carries on the tradition of awful Anakins.

9:21 – Episode II started.

9:20 – Greg showed up.

9:10 – Episode I is done.

8:45 – Phantom Menace is a lot longer than a person remembers…

7:32 – Anakin speaks for the first time. Ugh. I realize good kid actors are hard to find, but seriously? This is the best we could do?

7:11 – Jar Jar’s first appearance. Up until this point, the movie seems like it’s going to be super cool. Jar Jar’s appearance is kind of like how when you’re leaning back in a chair and enjoying balancing, when all of a sudden you lean a little too far back and feel like you’re going to fall backwards — Jar Jar on screen is like feeling you’re falling backwards constantly.

7: 02 – The Wright brothers show up. This is pretty much the expected group for the first movie.

7:00 – Episode I begins!

6:55 – Lee shows up with donuts.

6:52 – Jeremiah is the first to show up.

5:42 a.m. – I woke up at 4:00 this morning and was wide awake, but like a fool I tried to go back to sleep. My plan was to get up at 5 and do some last minute preparing for guests. Instead, I kept hitting the snooze and now I’m late.

20 Comments on “Star Wars Marathon – Liveblog”

  1. Eric says:

    If I lived closer I could bring my son's Lego Star Wars set pieces over and we could build the pieces as we watched the movies. Then, just for the personal satisfaction, we could take the little Lego Jar Jar and Anakin outside and light them on fire with a blowtorch until they melted into tiny pools of plastic. If you couldn't tell, I found large parts of Episode I painful to endure.

  2. The Rock Star says:

    I must say that I am actually going to be popping onto the computer from time to time to see what is going on over there. Maybe, I will blog about Guitar Hero… Then again, I do not actually want people to know I am that big of a nerd. :) Haha. Anyway…. Thanks for the live blog. Good to hear The Bros made it over their safely. I might stop by later to get another guitar and say hello if my friend Jess decides to come rock with me. :) By the way, YOU ROCK!!! B-)

  3. Abby :) says:

    While I may be half a country away, I still feel connected to the bros every minute of their day! Scary but kindda cool. Thanks Mark!

  4. Daizie Girl says:

    Who needs to spend a bazillion hours watching star wars when we can have the updates on the live blog! Thanks, Mark! Return of the Jedi is my favorite. Empire Strikes Back is the first movie (besides Bambi) that I remember seeing in the theater. I fell asleep when Luke faced Vader in his training with Yoda on Degaba…I think I was 4ish. I remember sitting at the breakfast table the next morning with my siblings and they were filling me in. I had a hard time grasping that Vader was Luke's father – he was such a meanie!!!

  5. M. Kate says:

    Marshalls speaker revalation…blah blah blah…men numb from excitement blah blah blah.

    *comment reinstated since you all heard it anyway*

  6. M. Kate says:

    I just hope none of you turn up with decubitus ulcers tomorrow…

    May the force be with you.

  7. Jeremiah says:


    I almost thought of bringing urinals from work! But thought better of it! ;O)

  8. The Rock Star says:

    So, I am confused… People are getting their hands cut-off?? This is weird.

  9. M. Kate says:

    clearly, I can spell decubitus but not revelation

  10. M. Kate says:

    Well, Jeremiah,

    I guess you can be in charge of wound care then…since you've all bonded so completely today.

    Congratulations, you might need more than the force.

  11. M. Kate says:

    Jonell, even I remember Luke losing his hand to the light saber.


  12. Jeremiah says:


    I got a bad feeling about that! lol

  13. M. Kate says:

    As you should!


  14. The Rock Star says:

    For the record, I have not seen any of the movies …. ever… I have an older brother. Enough said.

  15. Jeremiah says:


    Thanks again for putting this movie marathon on and letting us crash at your pad all day! God bless, and hopefully you'll have the LOTR marathon either before March 5th or sometime after July! ;O)

  16. Greg says:

    Yeah, thanks Mark! It was great fun spending the day with all the guys. Reading the liveblog again makes me laugh.

  17. Smoothie King says:

    Ok, I'll give this to you but, you lose the right to give anyone else a hard time regarding their hobby or choosen activity ;-)

  18. brent-ley says:

    I'm sorry I didn't get over there for any of the movies, but I was making "Darth Vader" sounds around the house on Saturday morning, so I think I stayed connected to the event.

  19. Gretchen says:

    Um . . .

    I'm so jealous.

  20. Coach C says:

    I know that I am getting to the party very late, but can I just add that Hayden is the world's worst actor and that I cringe every time he speaks. The princess is not much better. Their scenes scream "jr high reader's theatre!"

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