February 8th, 2008
Liveblogging Star Wars
I’m planning to liveblog the Star Wars Marathon tomorrow. I’ve liveblogged once before, and it wasn’t terribly exciting, but I thought it might be fun to have an historical account of this momentous occasion. I’m sure it’ll be all “So-and-so showed up” and “Darth Vader just killed a dude” and “Now we’re watching the next movie,” but it seems that a geeky event such as a Star Wars Marathon deserves another geeky event like liveblogging.
So if you can’t join us (which you should!), you can at least experience it vicariously.
I hope that this liveblog is simultaneously Twitter'd
I've got a better idea. I am going to liveblog the rest of my day into these comments.
Right now I'm eating a 6" Subway Club. To much roast beef, But good otherwise.
Hah. Nice. Hopefully you will get to blog "Greg just beat FF8 on his laptop while watching 'X' movie – to much rejoicing."
Ok, maybe not much rejoicing.
No streaming webcam? C'mon!