February 14th, 2007

Snow Pictures

I didn’t venture outside at all today, but I opened the doors enough to get these pictures for y’all:

The view out the front door.

The view out the back door.

5 Comments on “Snow Pictures”

  1. Kenthe2 says:

    Lucky! All I get to look at is green hills, sunny skies, and 60 deg weather.

  2. ZiggyTQuirk says:

    it's going to be 100 here on Saturday. Just sayin'

  3. kat says:

    Meh. I still don't see why you couldn't have just unburied your vehicle using the dust pan.

  4. Coach C says:

    Hello, Mup, are you there?

  5. Smoothie King says:

    This sort of weather always gets old! It's timeless in a bad way! ;)

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