Career Class Party
This past Sunday night my church had “Ministry Options Night,” which is a fancy way of saying “no church.” It’s specifically meant to be a time when you can get together with family or friends and “fellowship,” which is church-speak for “hang out.”
The Career Class opted to have a get-together, hosted by Abby W. I took my new digital camera (a Canon PowerShot SD600, which I am loving) and told people to just go ahead and take random pictures throughout the evening. At the end of the night, there were a few more than 100 pictures taken.
Sure, it might be easier for you if I’d set up a gallery so you could see just the pictures you wanted to, but it was more fun for me to set it up as a video with music. Since this is my blog, I won out. Sorry. Maybe you’ll have better luck next time (but I doubt it).
The video comes in at a sorta-lengthy 7 minutes and 26 seconds, but it includes music from The White Stripes, Brian Wilson & Paul McCartney, and Randy Newman. So even if you don’t care to see the pictures, you could put it on in the background and listen to some nice music for a few minutes.
That was kind of neat!
When did the White Stripes become nice music? :D
A moving tribute to friendship.
Well done!
I like the "senior picture" shots! Sorry Mel wasn't in attendance, but hopefully, you'll be able to make more of these terrific creations! :)
Great slide show! Loved it! Sorry i missed it!
Here are my pics for the most photogenic of the group!
Mr. Photogenic = Marshall! (since he was in over 3/4 of the pics!)lol
*** Pete…you were a close 2nd!
Mrs. Photogenic = Wendals! (only in a few..but great smile and hair :O)
MadMup, I am always anxious to see your next post!
Jer – I think I'm offended that i didn't make the cut.
I only get the Mr. Photogenic award because I decided to take a picture of myself with everyone there :-)
(sorry Abby, I realized afterwards that I missed getting a pic with you)
Blue Steel!
That was really well done, Mark! And you look all friendly-like, contrary to your projected idea of "I am not friendly." That was a happy video — glad you shared it. :o)
People with skills make me sick! Great music dude.
That is really great! There is just something about pictures of and songs when you put the right two together. You did well. Thank you for sharing
"And you look all friendly-like, contrary to your projected idea of "I am not friendly." "
I once told Mark I'd like to live closer to him for random hanging out, to which he replied "No dear, I am surly and awful".
Horizonpurple – clearly he was lying.
All right, you two, knock it off. I'm getting all misty over here.
(There, curmudgeonly enough for you?)
Apparently he just saves the surly awfulness for his non-churchie friends.
Not knowing any of the people in the pictures, it was fun to try and guess who's who. I shall make a little game out of it, keeping private score in my head every time I meet someone to see if I correctly ID'd them or not.
Aww, I gave myself away already :-)
Please don't feel you're the only target of surly awfulness. I've seen it in action! HOWEVER, it is the recessive trait, despite what he might like to portray.
We'd be happy to label ourselves sometime if you'd like to play the home version of your game, we'd love to have you and Mark knows where to find us most anytime.
Most of us are pretty normal on a good day :).
I think he's a little afraid to have me meet you. Perchance you might be offended by my rapid-fire swearing.
But his mom made it away unscathed.
Dude, not possible. I know what those words sound like, even know what they felt like coming out. He knows that.
I'm not easily scathed. But, if you'd like to make a game out of it we could :). Name the date.
I think Mark plans to schedule a playdate.
And let me just say that I have posted more on this thread than I have on this blog in probably the last year. Or three.
Mark, I think that means we don't need you, she likes me better. I already like this Kat.
And, might I just say, I've been dying to meet the person who has the capacity to put up with the surly awfulness as long as you have. Looking forward to it!
I think this is my all time favorite blog entry! I went back to search for it and to refresh my mind.
Giant huge bummer…the took your video down! ;( I hope you have it on your hard drive somewhere! That as my fav.!