April 6th, 2005
Apparently when my brother says “badgerbadgerbadger” to my nephew Daniel (2.5 years old), he responds with “Mushroom!”
Somehow this is my fault.
I think it’s fantastic.
EDIT: This old webcam seems appropriate:
does your brother often walk around saying "badger badger badger" ?
I must teach my nephew this trick!
Ive already taught him to yell "Look what I can do!" and then spaz out.
hehe, this is exactly what Uncles are for.
Kim, that's brilliant. If my brother ever breeds i'll be sure to remember that one.
bd bd
bd bd
bd bd
A Braz! Oh a Braz! Braz, a Braz.. Oooh it's a Braz!
It's a…
bd bd…
You guys have made my morning brighter
Nephew's apparently are fragile things. Two of mine (age 6 and 4) are hopeless sociopaths headed for federal prison. Another (age 5) loves to take off his pants and shirt and drape a towel ove his head and walk around the house stroking his "hair" (actually the towel). My fourth nephew (the hair-wearers sibling)keeps to himself and doesn't say much. I guess I've got the only normal kids around.
I've three nephews. (19, 10, and 6)
The oldest has been in prison, does drugs, has stolen a car, and will most likely get his 15 year old girlfriend pregnant. We'll skip him.
The 10 year old is AWESOME. He lets me dress him like a girl and put on fashion shows, and I taught him how to Salsa.
The youngest I never see (he lives in New York). He's a spoiled little brat, but I taught him how to do the Cockroack and the Crab Scuttle.
YAY for teaching nephews cool stuff!
I taught my niece (2.5) how to laugh like a maniacal evil genius (which you'd think my sister would thank me for) and one time we built a block temple and put the lego lion on top and I taught her how to bow down in worship to it. I am an excellent aunt.