February 28th, 2004

Not Much. You?

I’m going to a taping of a public radio show later today. It’s called “Whad’Ya Know?” and it’s based out of Madison, WI. When I lived in Wisconsin, I listened to the show regularly and always wanted to go to a taping. Weird that I had to move to Purdue University country to go to a taping…

Here’s the website. The show’s been on a for a while, and though there aren’t any really famous babepeoples on it, it really was a fun thing when I listened to it. The host goes out into the audience and talks to people, and there’s a quiz that earns people stuff from local businesses. I asked for an aisle seat, so…

Wishful thinking, but I used to call in to try to get on the quiz.

So go to the website and see when it’s on in your neck of the woods. Maybe this’ll be my big break and you can say “I used to read him when…”

Or maybe I’ll oversleep and miss the whole thing…

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