Live! From Purdue! It’s…
Well, that was fun. I had an aisle seat, but he never even came down our aisle. My plans to turn guest starring on radio shows into a career is off to a rocky start.
It’s really very interesting to go to something like this and watch behind the scenes stuff. They were broadcasting live, so they had to be right on time with everything – musical cues, guest segments, the whole thing. I started to get bored after the first hour, but I think that’s my own fault. An hour seemed like just the right amount of time – after that, it was same ol’, same ol’. Still good, but I needed more.
I started rebelling after the first hour, too. They had an actual “Applause” light, and we even practiced before the show started. I played along at first, excited to be a part of something bigger than myself. As the show went on, I realized that they were using our sign-generated applause as filler – covering the host’s movement about the stage, filling in until the guest got out on stage, that kind of thing. So I started only clapping when I felt so moved. That was much more rewarding, anyway. I tend to appreciate things no one else does and not appreciate things that everyone else does, so this worked out better for me. If you listened to the show, it’s likely you heard a “misplaced” laugh or two – that was me.
Maybe that’s the career I need to head towards…
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