August 28th, 2003


Did ya’ll watch Josh the other day? There he was, right on the TV.

Well, my morning started off great, how about yours? I tell ya, I just might be turning into a “morning guy,” you know? I used to be “night guy,” but I’m thinking about giving that up to be “morning guy.” This morning was one of those mornings that you wish all your mornings could be like. If every day started just like today, well, my friend, you’d have something there! Yes, indeed, a good morning it was.

And then I got to work…

Ha! I kill me! Oh, man! I tell ya, if I amuse only myself, I’ll have died a happy man.

I have been putting in some late hours at work. I was there until 10:30 last night, entering in 4th grade accounts. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? Well, the big job today was to hit every major PC to update/install antivirus stuff. We’ve been getting slammed pretty hard lately, I guess. Unfortunately, there’s no way currently for us to set the AV stuff up to update automatically. Major bummer. There’s plenty more on my plate at work, too, but I hope to get caught up, slowly but surely.

I need to go to bed, but I just got done doing bills, and I’m bothered by something. I’ve always been bothered by it, really, but tonight I got bothered by it within hand’s reach of my blog, so here you go. Here it is: I hate that I have to mail in a bill to a magazine I wanted to see if I liked with “Please cancel my subscription” on because I ended up not liking or wanting the magazine. Okay, really what I don’t like is that I have to put a stamp on the bill. I don’t mind mailing them something, but they could at least cough up for the return postage, couldn’t they? That has always really bothered me.

Okay, that’s the big rant for today. Remember to read every other letter in reverse in today’s blog for a secret message. First one to decipher it and get back to me wins a big prize.

And there’s bonus points for anyone who got the ALF reference earlier, too.

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