May 6th, 2007

Halfway There

My Birthday

As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years,
Or if due to strength, eighty years,
Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow;
For soon it is gone and we fly away.

-Psalm 90:10 (NASB)

Comic courtesy of PBF Comics, which aren’t necessarily always something I’d recommend.

7 Comments on “Halfway There”

  1. Meags says:


    (from Mike too)

  2. Lorelei says:

    So you are 35? Or 40? (can't be 40, I'm 40)

    Have a HAPPY DAY!!!!

  3. Wahooty says:

    Happy birthday, honey! Love you!

  4. ZiggyTQuirk says:

    Happy birthday!

  5. David says:

    Happy Birthday, my friend!

    Your Scripture passage reminded me of a favorite quote from Jonathan Edwards:
    “If men threw away money, like they do time, we would think of them as beside themselves and not in the possession of their right minds. YET, time is a thousand times more precious than money!!”

  6. The Big Guy says:

    Is your birthday over yet? It seems like we are celebrating the seven days of Christmas. :-)

  7. brent says:

    I just realized what's wrong with the cartoon. The passing years aren't a countdown to a meeting with the grim reaper, it's a countdown to a meeting with a living Savior. Bring on the birthdays.

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