Make your own!
ACK! Mup judges me and he judges me poorly.*cries*I'mma printing this and sticking it to my desk at work.
All Im doing is chewing gum and having a nerdy conversation with my friend! Ahhh!
That is so freakin' awesome.
Why you gotta scare me like that?
It's like I'm being watched. Some how you know about the new mirco management processes being implemented.
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2012: 84 2011: 142 2010: 120 2009: 221 2008: 241 2007: 107 2006: 371 2005: 263
ACK! Mup judges me and he judges me poorly.
I'mma printing this and sticking it to my desk at work.
All Im doing is chewing gum and having a nerdy conversation with my friend! Ahhh!
That is so freakin' awesome.
Why you gotta scare me like that?
It's like I'm being watched. Some how you know about the new mirco management processes being implemented.