March 20th, 2006
Project Gotham Racing 3 Review
Latest review here.
A few things to note about this review:
- It’s my first Xbox 360 game review. After all of the store credit I built up turning in past reviewed games, I didn’t end paying very much for my 360. That’s a good thing, because they’re crazy expensive.
- The game is like six months old. I rented it because I wanted to try it and noticed we didn’t have a review, so there that is.
- This is my first review to use a palindrome in the review.
- This review also reveals an event from my teenagerhood that has been hidden lo these many years.
Now you have to rent the games you review? Monk is slipping. Time for a mutiny.
I'll fetch the Bounty.
It isn't right; it isn't fair! *whump*
Monk didn't *make* me rent one, I jsut happened to rent something we didn't have a review for.
And then we get a paper towel pun with a reference to "The Lottery." Awesome. Sometimes my comment sections make me wish I ran my own forum.