January 5th, 2006
Webcam Archives
I finally got around to making a way to browse my webcam picture archives. I basically set up another blog on Blogger’s servers and made a blog entry for each pic. The first few are just guesses on the date but I started putting dates on the pic so those were easier to pinpoint.
I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, mostly for my benefit. Feel free to enjoy them or mock them or whatever, and feel free to comment on them as well.
Just click on the webcam pic to the right and you’ll be on your way!
Mup is slipping in his old age :P
How's he slipping? He says just click on the picture to the right.
I think people need to read better. ;P
Read? Screw all that noise, Jack! We want , nay, demand underlined green letters.
I could kick in at this point and talk about how I hadn't included the line about clicking the webcam pic in the first version of this post, but I'd hate to get in the way of all the fun.