MadMup: A To Z
(Stolen from Pixel, though pretty much everybody’s got it going on.)
A- Age of 1st kiss: 16
B- Band you are listening to: Nothing right now, but the last one was Kasey Chambers, even though she’s not really a band all on her own.
C- Crush: Though Orange was always good, back when I drank soda I preferred Cherry Crush.
D- Dad’s name: James Allen
E- Easiest person to talk to: Myself, and I do it all the time.
F- Favorite ice cream(s): Butter Pecan, followed closely by Mint Chocolate Chip covered in caramel sauce. Mmmmmm.
G- Gummy worms or gummy bears? I do not care for gummy anythings. DOTS are as close as I get.
H- Hometown: Lafayette, IN.
I- Instruments: I can play the piano and the recorder, but neither proficiently. I can kazoo with the best of them, though.
J- Junior high: Calvary Baptist Christian School.
K- Kids: I’ve met one or two I liked.
L- Longest car ride ever: Five summers worth of traveling all over the country. That’s plenty for me, thanks.
M- Mom’s name: Shirley Jean
N- Nicknames: MadMup, Mup, and any derogatory thing people can come up with.
O- One wish: I wish I could time travel.
P- Phobia[s]: Traveling in a car outside the city limits. Germs. Other people. Small spaces. New things. Change.
Q- Quote [s]: “Some people have a way with words. Other people … oh … um … not have way, I guess.” – Steve Martin
R- Reason to smile: Good friends.
S- Song you sang last: “Hallelujah” by Rufus Wainwright
T- Time you woke up today: 5:53a, 6:00a, and 6:07a.
U- Unknown fact about me: I wear T-shirts under every other kind of shirt, regardless of the weather. Sometimes I wear a T-shirt underneath another T-shirt.
V- Vegetable(s) you hate: Most of them.
W- Worst habit: Procrastination. Unless “being unmotivated” is a habit. If it is, I choose that.
X- X-rays you’ve had: Torso – they were checking my lungs for fluid, I think.
Y- Your favorite person as of right now? Batman.
Z- Zodiac sign: They say “Taurus.” I say “Echidna.”
I feel all… informed.
Me too, and I'd really enjoy sitting down for a dinner visit with you some day.
I think we'd talk so much, the food would get cold.
Echidna on the cusp of wombat?
You'll deny it, but you're aninteresting person. This meme shall not make it to my blog.
You got my name all wrong. It's not spelled B-a-t-m-a-n.