June 17th, 2005


I have been given – no, scratch that – I have earned the nickname “Bear of Little Brain” because I have a hard time remembering things and I get confused easily. I’m not even such a fan of Winnie the Pooh (where that phrase originates), but it fits me pretty well, unfortunately.

As a BoLB, I am constantly writing myself reminder notes. Post-Its are one of the best things ever invented. Unfortunately, this system sometimes goes awry. I have a Post-It on my desk right now that has two words on it:

Cabinet email

I haven’t the foggiest idea what it means. Any thoughts?

7 Comments on “BoLB”

  1. Brian Arnold says:

    I think it means you were supposed to email a picture of a cabinet to someone.

  2. HP says:

    Do you use groupwise at all? You may be needing to set up a new folder in your cabinet. OR print out all your emails and file them. In a cabinet.

  3. Abe. says:

    Maybe you want to send your cabinets an email?

  4. John Clark says:

    On top of the cabinet sits a Scrabble game. You put it there to remind yourself that you need to email your next turn before your opponent dies of old age.

  5. HP says:

    John, it's his winning strategy.

  6. John Clark says:

    It's working. I have completely lost track of where we are in the game. :)

  7. MadMup says:

    I think I figured it out – I'm supposed to forward an email about the cost of a wiring cabinet to my boss.

    And I'll get to my Scrabble move eventually! It was supposed to happen this weekend, but didn't. Perhaps tonight!

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