June 17th, 2005
I have been given – no, scratch that – I have earned the nickname “Bear of Little Brain” because I have a hard time remembering things and I get confused easily. I’m not even such a fan of Winnie the Pooh (where that phrase originates), but it fits me pretty well, unfortunately.
As a BoLB, I am constantly writing myself reminder notes. Post-Its are one of the best things ever invented. Unfortunately, this system sometimes goes awry. I have a Post-It on my desk right now that has two words on it:
Cabinet email
I haven’t the foggiest idea what it means. Any thoughts?
I think it means you were supposed to email a picture of a cabinet to someone.
Do you use groupwise at all? You may be needing to set up a new folder in your cabinet. OR print out all your emails and file them. In a cabinet.
Maybe you want to send your cabinets an email?
On top of the cabinet sits a Scrabble game. You put it there to remind yourself that you need to email your next turn before your opponent dies of old age.
John, it's his winning strategy.
It's working. I have completely lost track of where we are in the game. :)
I think I figured it out – I'm supposed to forward an email about the cost of a wiring cabinet to my boss.
And I'll get to my Scrabble move eventually! It was supposed to happen this weekend, but didn't. Perhaps tonight!