February 1st, 2005

Happy Birthday, Brian!

Hey, it’s Brian A’s birthday today. Go over there and wish him a good one. If you’re really wanting to help him have a good birthday, you can contribute to his iPod fund.

I’ve known Brian for almost a year now. We met over at the THorum – I think he initially sent me a private message offering to host my website and we struck up a friendship from there. It turned out we had a lot in common (even if he is a dirty Nintendo fan instead of having glorious Sega leanings) and we really understood each other’s backgrounds almost immediately. We’ve had some similar struggles and some similar triumphs, and I’m really glad I’ve been able to be friends with him.

I missed an opportunity to actually meet him last year, and I’ve regretted it ever since. My old van wasn’t really up to the trip, but I really should have found some way to make it.

I still haven’t taken him up on his offer to host my website (contracts, obstinancy, yadda yadda yadda), but I have sent a few others his way. If you need reliable hosting at affordable prices, check out pixelReflections. The few problems that have surfaced with sites he hosts have been dealt with quickly and efficiently, and you won’t be sorry if you have him host for you.

Happy birthday, Brian. I hope it’s a fantastic one.

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