I’m supposed to say that, because I’m on my way to Texas. While there, I’ll also be required to buy boots and a 10-gallon hat, from what I can tell.
I’ve never been to Texas, though I’ve wanted to go since fifth grade. It all stems from my <3 for the Dallas Cowboys, but I remember writing a "state report" on Texas in fifth grade, and at one point in my life I had a Texas belt buckle that was actually shaped like the state. Yes, it was as sad as it sounds. Anyway, I’m flying down and driving back, because I won an eBay auction on a new (to me) van. Yep. A new Mupmobile is in the works. Best of all, I get to meet Mike (from the THorum) while I’m down there, so that’ll be cool.
The worst part? (Say it with me): the drive home.
I’ll try to take some pictures and actually post them, too.
Off I go!
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