January 21st, 2004


How To Wash Your Hands – it’s about time we had it spelled out for us. Plus it was affirming because this is how I wash my hands.

musicplasma – touts itself as a “visual music search engine” Type in an artist you like and it makes suggestions about who else you might like, and it does so in a cool-looking Venn diagram sort of way. On top of all that, it says that Norah Jones has a new album coming out February 10! It’s about time!

Mixmaster – mix the content of one site with they layout style of another site. Kind of interesting and weird and completely useless all at the same time.

Let Them Sing It For You – type in what you want to hear and famous singers will sing it for you, one word at a time.

The ESP Game – interesting little web game that has you and someone else who you have no contact with trying to describe pictures you both see. It’s kind of like $25,000 Pyramid meets Mastermind.

Those ought to keep you out of trouble for a while.

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